SMS Bomber Guide our Guide Into The World Of SMS Cell Bombing

Welcome to the internet’s home of cell (sms) bombing. This type of bombing is similar to Email bombing except it spam’s messages to cell phones as well as other mobile devices. Cell bombing is considered more aggressive than email bombing simply because it targets cell phones and can be very annoying and disruptive to the victim of the attack. When a SMS (Short Message Service) bombing attack is launched the software repeatedly sends messages one after another at a very fast rate to the target phone number. This rapid sending of messages will make the target phone alert the user of new messages with either a constant incoming message sound, ring tone, etc. The sound alone can be very annoying and disturbing since it does not stop until every last message received. Imagine your cell phone constantly alerting you of incoming messages at a nonstop pace for however long the bombing attack lasts. To make mattes even worse often when a cell phone is being bombed it is forced into a non responsive state making it impossible for the victim to turn down the volume, mute the volume or even be able to shut the phone down in attempt to stop the overwhelming annoyance, and that is just the beginning.
As mentioned when a cell phone is being attacked by a cell bomber all of the phones resources are put into over drive as the phone attempts to keep up with receiving a large amount of messages one after the other. This in most case it will render a phone useless and uncontrollable until the bombing attack has finished. As you can imagine if you were talking on your cell and without warning your call is interrupted by nonstop message alerts then sudden loss of control to your phone as it drops the call from being overwhelmed with a flood of incoming data this could quickly irritate someone into throwing their phone out the nearest window. If you don’t think that is bad enough already consider the average storage of most phones. When a cell phone is being bombed each message sent takes up space on that phone. A phone with not so much storage space could easily run out of storage and fill the inbox with an obnoxious amount of spammed messages that prevent any real messages from coming in until all the messages are deleted after the attack stops. Deleting all those messages alone is a daunting task. For those of us on limited data plans there is also the issue of all this data being used up and possibly going over due to all the transferring of data during the bombing attack. With that said being on the receiving end of a bombing attack can be a real problem.
So far we have only talked about SMS driven cell bombing and if that wasn't enough to make you quiver at the thought of being cell bombed, you guessed it can even get worse. Another type of cell bomb is known as a MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service). While most standard cell bombers are SMS only, there are higher end bombers that allows for MMS bombing as well. The difference with MMS is that not only can you send text messages; you can also add attachments such as photos, music, videos, files, etc. This is where storage space becomes an issue even with cell phones of larger storage capacity. Receiving photos, videos, music, etc as you already know takes allot more room on a device to store them. If someone were to MMS bomb my cell phone with hundreds of larger music or video files I would be over my data usage and my phone and SD card storage would be filled to the maximum in no time at all. These types of bombs can eat up data and storage very easily. Even though SMS and MMS are the two most popular forms of cell bombing but with cell phones becoming more advanced and being used for more tasks like checking email, social networking, live chatting, various messenger services and more. The bombing software is also becoming more advanced to be able to pull off just about any type of spam or flood attack on cell phones from facebook bombing to email bombing the cell phone as well. Nine chances out of ten if you run it on your phone it can probably bombed. To learn more about bombers, why they are used, how they work, and more have a look around the rest of the site.
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FREE Lifetime Updates


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