SMS Bomber Guide our Guide Into The World Of SMS Cell Bombing

Using Cell Bombing Software - Malicious, Fun, Convenient ???
We Take A Look Into The Most Common Uses Of Cell Bombing Software
The most aggressive and malicious use for bombing software is when a bombing attack is launched for revenge or mischievous purposes. These attacks usually originate from anger toward the victim and are carried out for the sole purpose to wreck havoc on the victim and their phone. When the intention is to disrupt and aggravate the victim many bombs are sent for long periods of time wasting data and storage space on the targeted phone which can become costly in over time data charges as well as have to delete and clean up all the spammed messages. Many times mischievous text messages, insulting photos, annoying songs , etc are sent to the phone over and over again depending on the severity of the attack thousands of messages could be bombed for hours upon end rending the phone unusable during the bombing. Even if a phone under attack were able to be shut off or the battery removed to avoid the annoyance the moment the phone is turned back on it will continue to receive the bombed messages until every last message is sent from the bomber. Most bombing software will allow you to add a custom “From “name. The attacker can enter any name in this field and make it appear as if the bombing was done from someone else. If someone were angry with you and owned cell bombing software they could make your life hell by sending huge numbers of bombs to your number all threw out the day and night , day after day with very little effort. When a bombing attack goes this far the best option is to simply have your phone number changed which again in most cases will cost the victim. The best thing to do is simply avoid anyone wanting to seek a “Revenge “cell bombing attack against you.

Revenge On A Ex Or Enemy
A well executed bombing attack can leave the victim furious as the phone stops responding while nonstop incoming messages take over the phone and use up valuable data and storage space while the victim can do little more than watch in anger and frustration.
NOTE : Consistent cell bombing is a form of harassment by communication and could be subject to penalty by law.
Almost everyone can enjoy a funny prank and a good laugh. Bombers are often used to do exactly that. From blowing up a friends phone and spamming embarrassing photos, to some bombers allowing auto posting funny posts to a Facebook page bombing software can be the pranksters best friend when it comes to cell phone pranks. This type of use is basically harmless with only a limited number of bombs sent just to pull a joke on unsuspecting friends or family members and usually results in nothing more than the bother of them having to remove all the bombed messages and wonder what just happened. Since the amount of bombs can be set by the prankster to a low number of bombs this can be a very fun and entertaining way of pulling off some cool cyber pranks. Bombing software that allows you to fake the name of the sender is very useful and adds to the fun of the joke by fooling the victim into thinking the messages came from someone else. Depending on the features the bomber offers there are numerous ways to have fun pulling off cyber pranks and getting a good laugh. More advanced bombing software like Pro Bomber by PhantomNet Software even allows you to set the bombing to start at a specified time so you can be right there with the target when the bombing happens and makes it even easier to play it off as you were not the one doing the bombing because you were right there! With a little imagination, the desire to get a few laughs, and the right software unlimited cell phone pranks are only a few clicks away.
Pranking Friends Or Family

Using cell bombing software to pull pranks on friends can be a blast. Some software allows for faking who the messages came from and can even be set to start at a specified time so the prankster can be there to witness the fun first hand.
Personal Use and Convenience

When using bombing software equipped with timers users can have a reminder messages sent to their own phone at a specific time. Some bombing software can also be used to spam advertisements, promote web sites and more by auto posting to live chat rooms. There are many uses that are not malicious in nature that some bombing software offers. We followed up claims of legit uses for bombing software and found them to be trust worthy and truly work as claimed.
Bombing software can also be used for personal or business use as well. With bombers that include the ability to set a specific bombing time a user can send a reminder or message to be sent to his phone as little as twice or as much as they wish at the selected time. It is also a very easy way to send a SMS / MMS message, photo, etc, from any computer to a cell phone without needing to visit third party websites. Depending on the included features of the software being used bombing software can also be used to auto spam links and ad’s in chat rooms to draw people to a sales page or web site. Auto spamming is an easy way for web masters and online sellers to idle in a chat room and auto send links to the room at certain time intervals. Chat room owners and operators can also use this type of feature to draw users to their room by auto spamming links in other rooms. Another great personal use for a cell bomber that features MMS is the ability to send files from your computer to your phone in just a few clicks. There are many personal ways to put bombing software to work for personal non mischief use for many tasks. With great imaginations at work we are sure that people will find even more legit uses for this type of software in the near future.
Overview Of The Uses Of Bombing Software
While researching the topic it quickly became clear that the majority of people who purchase and use bombing software use it for either revenge or pranks. Although we tested and proved the claims from the developers of our sponsored software (Pro Bomber) that it was originally designed to spam advertisements and links as well as send SMS text messages from a PC to a cell phone directly. It is still clear that most use this software in a malicious manner. Even proving that the software can and has been used for legit purposes as mentioned above it is easy to see why many would take advantage of the capabilities of software that offers so much flexibility in usage. Rather being used as a personal reminder tool or to cause cyber misery for that certain someone cell bombing is without question unique and interesting subject that we will continue to follow. Rather you consider it a hack tool or an innocent program exploited by people out to do wrong, cell bombing software is something people should be aware of as it continues to get more advanced and offer new ways of using it. The thing that is for certain is that having a little information can be useful when looking down the business end of a cell bomb.

PRO BOMBER Cell Bomber
Voted The #1 all in one bombing software suite by more than four underground hack tool sites and forums. This complete bombing suite is capiable of launching SMS, MMS, Email, Messenger, Facebook, Live Chat attacks and more all at once. Discover why Pro Bomber is the best selling cell bombing software available online.

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